Meditation course

The Mindfulness Of Breathing- 4 week Introduction To Meditation Course

Reboot your life Introduction to Buddhist Meditation: The Mindfulness of Breathing 4-week course suitable for beginners. Starts Tuesday 19 March 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm Tired of doomscrolling, anxiety, and FOMO? Always rushing from one thing to another? Take a break from the news, technology and the rat race, and discover the calm and spaciousness

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Introduction to Buddhist Meditation – The Metta Bhavana Practice

4 week course on Tuesday evenings Suitable for beginners It’s easy to slip into complaint about others, or self-critical thoughts. Sometimes it almost seems pleasant to be grumpy about things. But the Buddha taught that the way to happiness is to cultivate an accepting, positive attitude towards ourselves and others. In the Metta Bhavana practice,

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Meditation Course

How To Not Meditate Suitable for those with a regular meditation practice. What would happen if we stopped striving for results in meditation, and relaxed into our momentary experience instead? Find out in this 4 week course exploring the Just Sitting practice: “One should realize that one does not meditate to go deeply into oneself

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