Funeral Arrangements for Abhayakirti 23rd July 2024

Dear Friends, Mitras and Order Members of the Brighton Sangha,

Here are the details for the funeral service for Abhayakirti.

Tuesday 23rd July at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre

9.40 - 10.20  Optional sitting with the body*

10.00 - 10.30 Arrival and tea

10.30 - 12.30 Service in the Theatre Shrine room

12.30 - 13.15 A simple vegan lunch. Please note we don't know exact numbers so can't be certain of feeding everyone.

13.15 Close family and friends will leave for the burial.

The service is open to all who knew Abhayakirti. It will be held in the Theatre shrine room which has a large capacity and we are expecting a lot of people to attend.

*The service will be closed casket, however there will be an opportunity from 9:40am to 10:20am to sit with the body open casket. Please do bear in mind there will have been several weeks between his death and the funeral, before you decide to view the body.

The service will be lead by Maitridarshin who is the chairman of the Brighton Buddhist Centre where Abhayakirti worked and a very close friend.

The service will have a Buddhist ritual (Puja) and Kaddish will be read by Nicholas, Abhayakirti’s cousin, in respect of his Jewish heritage. There will be speakers, readings and passages of music.

Wear what clothing feels comfortable to you, Abhayakirti would have put comfort before formality. And really didn’t want people to wear black.

For those who cannot attend the funeral, it will be live streamed here:, beginning shortly before 10.30am.

The address for the service is:

Cambridge Buddhist Centre
38 Newmarket Road


We have arranged a 34-seater coach from the Brighton Buddhist Centre to Cambridge for the funeral. Please get in touch with us at to reserve a place or for more information.

There will also be a memorial evening for Abhayakirti at the Brighton Buddhist Centre on the 24th July from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. All welcome.

The funeral the point of contact will be Maitridarshin as the celebrant. Email: 



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