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Working with the restless mind

Tuesday 6 February 2024 from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Course length: 4 weeks

In our hyper-stimulated culture, our minds can sometimes be a restless whirlwind of thought, going round and round, even in meditation, jumping from one unsolved issue or judgement to another – and then starting all over again.

It is often implied that effective meditation requires us to still our minds of this kind of thought, and for some of us this seems impossible. This can lead to a sense of failure, or even shame. But all is not lost! It is not the thoughts that we have – how many of them, or of what type – but our relationship with our thoughts that is key. Awakening is possible, even with a busy mind!

In this four week course we will look at practical ways of working with the restless mind in meditation. With kindness and acceptance it is possible to de-emphasise thought so that we are no longer flotsam before it.

For those with an established meditation practice of at least two years.







Led by Maitrivajra & Vidyadhara



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