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The Art of Dreaming with Arthabandhu

Sunday 3 December 2023 from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm

Dreams are for many an overlooked aspect of ourselves, our modern culture rarely encourages us to give them much attention, however, Buddhism sees dreams as offering an opportunity for spiritual growth and even a path to Enlightenment.

The central theme of this workshop will be to reconnect us with our dream lives and through this reconnect us with a very essential part of ourselves. Just to start to be able to recall our dreams connects us with deeper energy and broadens our awareness of ourselves to something beyond the ordinary and mundane. Many of us as children directly felt the magic and wonder of dream experience but we have since grown more and more alienated from it. This needn’t be the case and together we can help one another reconnect with the beauty and depths that are possible through truly honoring dreams.

Among other things we will look at:

– Practical ways we can develop a rich dream life

– What the Buddhist tradition has to say about dreams

– The benefits of bringing mindfulness and loving kindness into our dreams

– And how all this can benefit us during the waking state too

Please bring lunch to share

Arthabandhu is an ordained member of the Triratna Buddhist Order and has been practicing Buddhism and engaging with dreams for 25 years. He has explored dreams through thapproaches of Lucid Dreaming, Buddhist Dream Yoga and Gestalt Psychotherapy. During these years he has kept detailed dream diaries, illustrated with paintings and other artwork. These images and diary extracts are now featured in his zine ‘Stuff of Dreams’.
Arthabandhu is keen to show how dreams are available to us all and how a connection with our dreams can have a very positive effect upon the quality of our lives. That connection can take many forms, it could be through lucid dreaming or dream yoga, or simply being aware of what we have dreamt and finding ways of appreciating these experiences more fully.




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