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Sangha Evening – Full Moon Puja

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

This week’s Sangha Evening is a Full Moon Puja.

Going forward sangha evenings will also include regular full moon practise evenings. So on the closest Wednesday to a full moon day we will come together for an evening of meditation and puja. They will be less chatty evenings once the evening begins and more reflective and devotional. Bringing to mind the gatherings of the Buddhas time.

Traditionally when performing Puja, one would always bring offerings to make. Either flowers, candles or incense. We would like to encourage this devotional attitude and suggest one brings flowers or candles (not incense as it’s an issue for some) to offer during our full moon puja. Rather than whole bunches of flowers maybe share the flower heads out or collect petals to scatter! small candles or tapers rather than great big pillar candles.

Of course the centre will continue to provide the thin taper offering candles, for those with no offering, though we can be more abundant I’m sure.

Lead by Sthānaśraddha.

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