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Sunday 21 April 2024 from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

At a Death Cafe, people, often strangers to each other, gather to drink tea, eat cake, and discuss death, dying and grief.
The invitation being to reflect and discuss together so as ‘to increase our awareness of death with a view to helping make the most of our (finite) lives.’

A Death Cafe is a group discussion based upon a context of death and impermanence, and has no particular agenda, no particular objectives, and no particular right or wrong.
It is an open space to be with others and to share if and as you feel moved to.

All are welcome.

Hosted by Ketuhridaya (an ordained Buddhist and doctor)
(an ordained Buddhist and psychotherapist)
(an ordained Buddhist and hospice chaplain)

Doors will open 1pm. Event starts promptly at 1:30pm. 

By donation.

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