
Upcoming Retreats

Weekend Retreat at Rivendell for Mitras
Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th November

You are warmly invited to come along with us on retreat for the weekend to practise together, build on friendships, strengthening Sangha and deepening our Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels.

£80 for unwaged
£120 waged
Led by Gambhiradhi and Sthanshraddha

Click here to book

Midwinter Intensive Meditation Retreat
Friday 20th Dec - Friday 27th Dec
at Rivendell Retreat Centre

The end of December is a time of great significance: the winter solstice signifies death and rebirth, and we too are aware of the impending end of the year and the beginning of a new one. We have a choice to use this time to turn inward and enquire what really is meaningful to us, what we want to take with us into a new phase of our lives.

Retreat details at a glance
Timings: Friday evening, 20th December - Friday midday, 27th December, 2024
Led by Viryadeva and Gambhiralila
Place: Rivendell Retreat Centre
Cost: £280 (all inclusive)
Suitable for people who have been meditating for at least six months

More about the theme of the retreat...
This Midwinter Intensive Meditation Retreat will give you the chance to embark on a transformative journey of slowing down and looking inward. Midwinter is a unique opportunity to leave the hustle and bustle of the world behind at a time when it feels the busiest. Instead, we can immense ourselves in the beauty of nature and the depths of our minds. With one-on-one meditation reviews with experienced meditation teachers, you will be able to take your meditation practice to a new level - a genuine gift to yourself and our interconnected world.

Guided by teachers who are members of the Triratna Buddhist Order, we will explore practices designed to cultivate mindfulness, deepen self-awareness, and foster a sense of inner peace. At the tail end of 2024 join us for a week of long meditation sessions, good food and relaxation in the beautiful Sussex countryside.

Who is this retreat for?
This intensive meditation retreat is suitable for people who have been meditating for at least six months. We will be meditating for 5-6 hours daily, with a few days in complete silence. As a result, this retreat is likely to be a strong experience for attendees - if you're unsure whether this retreat is for you, please contact the Croydon Buddhist Centre team via

Retreat cost
This retreat is priced at £280 per person and includes accommodation (in simple shared rooms), good vegan food, and all the teaching. If this is too much, please do get in touch with us - we have a few bursary places available. We don't want lack of money to prevent anyone coming on retreat. Please note, the price includes a £50 non-refundable deposit.

Start and finish times are a guide and exact times will be communicated nearer the time.

More information and booking here.

A retreat is a great way to take your meditation practice to the next level. On retreat, we live simply with others in an environment geared towards stillness and meditation. Away from everyday distractions, our mind can become quiet, deepening our sense of community and our understanding of the Buddha’s teachings. Retreat leaders skillfully guide us into deeper waters, where we get to know ourselves more deeply. A retreat can last a weekend, a week, or even longer.

Retreat centres run programmes aimed at different levels of experience, so you can find a retreat that is suitable for you. Why not take the plunge?

Rivendell Retreat Centre

Rivendell is our local retreat Centre north of Uckfield in the beautiful fields and woodland of the Sussex Weald.

Rivendell offers Introductory RetreatsYoga & Meditation retreats, and many more for people of all levels  of experience. Find out more at

Other Opportunities for Going on Retreat

There are many other opportunities for retreat within the Triratna Buddhist Community.

You will find details of all the retreat centres around the U.K associated with the Triratna Buddhist Community and also opportunities for solitary retreats at

For camping retreats and Buddhafield events, including Buddhafield Festival, see :