pebble edit

Storying and Un-Storying the Self: 4-week course

For those with an established meditation practice – you will need  to know and have a regular practice of the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana meditations – not suitable for beginners. As humans, we have an ability to communicate our experiences in the form of stories and we give meaning to our lives through […]

JIm workshop

Yoga Workshop – All the Way Down the Rabbit Hole

Yoga workshop with Jim Tarran āsana, meditation, prāṇāyāma – yoga deep-dive practice For students with one or more years regular yoga practice.

Heart Sutra day ret

HOLDING TO NOTHING WHATEVER – A day retreat on the Heart Sutra

“The Bodhisattva of Compassion When he meditated deeply Saw the emptiness of all five skandas And sundered the bonds that caused him suffering.” From the Heart Sutra The Heart Sutra cannot be grasped rationally: study can only get us so far.  But if we pay close attention to our present experience, we can touch that […]