Meditation and Buddhism Courses


For those interested in exploring meditation we offer courses which provide grounding in in the meditation practices we share within the Triratna Buddhist Community as well as courses for those wishing to take their practice further.  Led by our meditation teachers, these courses offer a hands-on and systematic approach to meditation.


We offer regular drop-in meditation sessions.  For more information click

Meditation Drop-in Classes | Brighton Buddhist Centre

Meditation courses

Storying and Un-Storying the Self: 4-week course

8 April from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
For those with an established meditation practice - you will need  to know and have a regular practice of the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana meditations - not suitable for beginners. As humans, we have an ability to communicate...
Find out more and book about Storying and Un-Storying the Self: 4-week course

HOLDING TO NOTHING WHATEVER – A day retreat on the Heart Sutra

11 May from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm
“The Bodhisattva of Compassion When he meditated deeply Saw the emptiness of all five skandas And sundered the bonds that caused him suffering.” From the Heart Sutra The Heart Sutra cannot be grasped rationally: study can only get us so...
Find out more and book about HOLDING TO NOTHING WHATEVER – A day retreat on the Heart Sutra

Radical Dharma Course – The Technology of Change

14 May from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
An Introduction to Buddhism and meditation 6 week course on Wednesday evenings 6:30pm - 8:30 pm 14th May - 18th June Can we really find happiness in more and more distraction, and having ever more stuff? Buddhism tells us that...
Find out more and book about Radical Dharma Course – The Technology of Change


More than just a philosophy, or even a religion, Buddhism is a practical path of human development. Its goal is to see things as they really are, achieved by cultivating the mind in meditation and supported by leading a life of meaning and value.

The outcome of such radical transformation is a powerful altruistic urge and the energy, clarity and courage to make a real difference.

Buddhism is a whole vision for life – one that includes meditation, study, ritual, friendship and a deepening sense of purpose.

Storying and Un-Storying the Self: 4-week course

8 April from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
For those with an established meditation practice - you will need  to know and have a regular practice of the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana meditations - not suitable for beginners. As humans, we have an ability to communicate...
Find out more and book about Storying and Un-Storying the Self: 4-week course

HOLDING TO NOTHING WHATEVER – A day retreat on the Heart Sutra

11 May from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm
“The Bodhisattva of Compassion When he meditated deeply Saw the emptiness of all five skandas And sundered the bonds that caused him suffering.” From the Heart Sutra The Heart Sutra cannot be grasped rationally: study can only get us so...
Find out more and book about HOLDING TO NOTHING WHATEVER – A day retreat on the Heart Sutra

Radical Dharma Course – The Technology of Change

14 May from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
An Introduction to Buddhism and meditation 6 week course on Wednesday evenings 6:30pm - 8:30 pm 14th May - 18th June Can we really find happiness in more and more distraction, and having ever more stuff? Buddhism tells us that...
Find out more and book about Radical Dharma Course – The Technology of Change
buddha hand meditation and buddhism part 2 course