(Rescheduled from last weekend)
This month: Saturday 5th April to Sunday 6th April - Not About Being Good - Mind Creates World
More information
Young Sangha Programme March to August 2025:
Join others aged 18-35. We hold weekly drop-in meditation classes on Tuesday evenings and themed events on the last weekend of each month.
All classes are stand-alone and funded by donation - just drop by when you can
By Donation | Generosity and Giving
Tuesday evening drop-in meditation
Every Tuesday at 6 pm - 7 pm
Young Sangha (18 to 35s)
Meditate with others. In this class the meditations will be led with instruction for newcomers and we will practice the mindfulness of breathing and the metta bhavana.
'Alternative Friday Night'
Last weekend of the month. Friday from 7:00 pm
Meditate with others and eat together.
Learn about Buddhism
Last weekend of the month. Saturday 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Connect with Buddhist wisdom - talks and discussion.
Last weekend of the month. Sunday 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Discussion, meditation, and ritual lead by order members of the Triratna Buddhist Order